Vishnu Sahasranamam — What is Vishnu?

Tanuja Phadke
4 min readOct 11, 2023


In my last article, I introduced Vishnu Sahasranam — for which I will use the acronym VS — and outlined the 8 categories. In this article, I will discuss the first category of names, the “creation”

The first and most important thing is to understand the concept of Vishnu.

Vishnu is a phenomenon and should not be considered limited to and represented by physical form alone. As we know, energy has multiple wavelengths but, the visible spectrum has only a small range; that does not mean that energy is only limited to visible light; similarly, the phenomenon named Vishnu has multiple modes of existence that appear and disappear. This can be understood by contemplating Vishnu Shasranam (VS).

The first name is “विश्वम्” (Vishvam) which means “The entire manifested universe”.

The second name is विष्णु (Vishnu) meaning “that which pervades everything.”

If we ponder on these first two names alone, the entire manifested universe is a form of that energy. After that energy transformed into a manifested universe, it also permeated it in the form of latent and active energy. This is what is also called Vishnu. This concept is encapsulated in many names of Vishnu a few of which I list below:

  • 104th name वसु (Vasu ) means one who dwells in all beings and in whom all beings dwell.
  • 245th name नारायण (Narayana) — The Lord who resides in all things that he creates.
  • 274 प्रकाशन Prakashana The Lord who illuminates himself as all-pervading consciousness.

Next, let's look at some names that highlight the process of creation as indicated in the Big Bang and quantum physics.

  • 457th name is सूक्ष्म (Sukshma) - that which is the smallest known thing (infinitesimally small ) from which everything came.
  • 743rd name शून्य Shoonya- the nothing, void or zero.
  • 88th name is विश्वरेत — The Seed of This Universe.

These names codify the concept of singularity because there is no need to use terms such as zero, infinitesimally small, etc.. to represent God. As per the Big Bang as a starting point, there was just a single hot, condensed point — a singularity — containing all matter in the universe. In addition, all four fundamental forces (the gravitational, electromagnetic, strong, and weak forces) were unified as a single force. This unified period, called the Planck epoch, lasted 10–43 seconds.

Several names also indicate the expansion of the universe. A few I list below:

  • 426th name विस्तार Vistara — the one who expands.
  • 784th name सुतन्तु Sutantu — the Lord who has expanded this Universe starting from itself.
  • 785 तन्तुवर्धन Tantuvardhana The lord who broadens the universe.
  • 374 क्षोभण Kshobhana The Agitator, the one who causes agitation. This is strikingly similar to Quantum field theory that implies — on very short distance scales, everything is in a state of constant agitation. This space is under the state of constant wild oscillations.
  • 914th name — शर्वरीकर Sharvarikara — means the creator of Darkness — before the universe was illuminated with stars there was also a dark age where there was no light. Sharvarikara could be pointing to the dark age that lasted several million years after the Big Bang. Agitations cause inflation that stretches these fluctuations creating the universe.

If some orthodox person were using these names to establish a “God” whom he wanted the world to worship, then he would give some easy-to-understand and attractive names that would click with ordinary people instead of coming up with cryptic non-intuitive names such as “ agitator, expander, darkness creator, etc.. which are of no use to a person who is looking for some relief from the grief caused by struggles of life.

Next comes one of the most difficult-to-understand and interesting concepts of “self-creator”. The entire Upanishads explain this concept in various ways.

Stephen Hawking in his book The Grand Design” says that the universe did not need God to create it.
According to Hawkings — “The universe can and will create itself from nothing. Spontaneous creation is the reason there is something rather than nothing, why the Universe exists.”

This concept is indicated by various names in Vishnu Sahasranam( only a few of which I list below )

  • 37th name स्वयम्भू That which Manifests from itself. ( One who has created itself from itself )
  • 159th name सर्ग( Sarga) — that which Creates the world from itself.
  • 942th भुवोभुव Bhuvo-bhuva That which exists in itself Without Any Other Support.
  • 986th name स्वयंजात Svayamjata -That which is the cause of its birth.
  • 99th सर्वादि. That which is the first cause of all elements.
  • 521st name अज Aja means the one who never takes birth.
  • 985th name आत्मयोनि Atmayoni means That which has no cause or source except itself.

All of these names represent the modern theory of the creation of the universe. Any Hindu ritual is designed to aid oneself in recognizing one as one with this creation. During साधना ( meditation) one should meditate on Vishnu in its creative form as param Brahm. Agni puran explains some techniques of meditation and, so does Vigyan Bhairav tantra ( A dialogue between Shiv and Parvati) that gives methods to meditate on the illuminated self till one visualizes oneself dissolving or getting ablaze in this fire.

Mantra also explains this ever-existing, all-pervasive reality. While chanting the mantras while doing “Mantra Sadhana” one is advised to focus on this eternal truth. One beautiful mantra telling about the cosmic womb is given here with meaning.

Analyzing VS is a big topic. An entire book can be written on this subject. I will leave the reader with this little introduction.

Thanks for reading.

References: . .,later%2C%20and%20gradually%20provided%20the%20Universe%20with%20light.

